Have you ever loved something with great intensity, whilst all the while wishing you could change just one thing about it? Of course you have. That’s how I am with Autumn. I have a strong emotional connection to this time of year, from the earliest signs of its approach with those first morning mists at the end of August, which send a shudder of relief through my whole frame. But barely at the mid point of September, and it’s already dark before eight, getting earlier each day. I could do without that.
Read moreSecret Gardens of East Anglia
This could so easily have been one of those coffee table books to be flicked through absent mindedly, gazing at gorgeous photography while skimming over the text. But it’s much more than that. Secret Gardens of East Anglia – a private tour of 22 gardens is published by Frances Lincoln on 7 September 2017, priced £20.
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