Death and taxes, wrote Benjamin Franklin, are the only certainties in this world. I feel he could quite safely have added “weeds” to the list without the least risk of damage to his reputation. My own cv comes up pretty short in the area of Founding Father, but rather the opposite under the category of Proficient and Joyful Weeder. And this is just the time to indulge in a prolonged bout of that particular activity.
Read moreThe Gardens, weeds & words podcast, Series 1 Episode 2
As the leaves fall, we begin to see our gardens in their wider context, which makes it a perfect time to consider how they relate to the surrounding landscape. In this episode I’m joined by the artist Celia Hart, who discusses her earliest plant memories, and the role that her local Suffolk landscape has upon her work.
Read moreThe Almanac: a seasonal guide to 2019
This year’s Almanac – a seasonal guide by Lia Leendertz quickly became something of an essential and trusted companion, and so the publication of 2019’s version has been greeted with great enthusiasm from all quarters. Is it a worthy successor? Read on to find out.
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