The tulip bulbs have arrived. Not an outrageous quantity, but I’m still going to have a job working out where they’re going to go…
Read moreDay 303: two season paeonies
All the fuss about paeonies gets made in late spring…
Read moreDay 302: plant staging
Plants are still coming into the garden, and it feels as though there’s a sudden burst of energy towards the end of the gardening year…
Read moreDay 301: October wreckage
I’ve been greatly enjoying the change in pace and mood in the garden over the past few days…
Read moreDay 300: Dahlia 'Penhill Watermelon'
Has anyone, I wonder, ever taken a photograph of Dahlia ‘Penhill Watermelon’ in which the subject looked less than spectacular…
Read moreDay 299: Irish yew
I am very fond of a yew. I would say that I love it, but then you’d say you love it too and then we’d be deep into pun territory…
Read moreDay 298: Tetrapanax papyrifer ‘Rex’
I’ve been watching the flower buds on my Fatsia japonica (false castor oil plant) bulk up over the past few weeks…
Read moreDay 297: bluecrown passion flower
The bluecrown passion flower (Passiflora caerulea) is undoubtedly mesmerizing, its blossoms resembling nothing so much as some kind of intricately constructed dessert…
Read moreDay 296: Bear's breeches
Proof positive that my bear’s breeches do occasionally flower, if you’ll pardon the expression…
Read moreDay 295: Salvia greggii ‘Amethyst Lips’
A shrubby salvia is a grand thing to have in the garden, flowering reliably and persisting late into the season…
Read moreDay 294: Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
A sucker for vivid blues in the garden, it saddens me to see vibrancy of that colour drain from the hydrangeas and the bog sage as autumn progresses…
Read moreDay 293: foxglove on a wall
Plants that are generous with seeding themselves about can divide opinion, particularly when their munificence gets them branded as weeds…
Read moreDay 292: Cape flower
Just as we’re in the process of planting bulbs for next spring’s display, we’re reaping the benefits of those we planted earlier in the year…
Read moreDay 291: Peruvian lily
If you’re going to grow the Peruvian lily, or alstroemeria, you really need to commit to it…
Read moreDay 290: Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon'
Since it seems to be a year when persicaria wins the prize for the genus I blog about most often, I might aswell sneak another in before they all go to sleep for the winter…
Read moreDay 289: Fastsia japonica 'Spider's Web'
I’ve long been a fan of the fatsia – false castor oil plant or Fatsia japonica, to give it its full names, both common and botanical…
Read moreDay 288: Cercidiphyllum japonicum
If you find yourself in need of a giggle one October, you could do worse than loiter behind the katsura tree by the nursery tables at Great Comp…
Read moreDay 287: the dying of the light
A soggy kind of grandeur settles over the flowerbeds during October…
Read moreDay 286: Parrotia persica
Parrotia persica, otherwise known as the Persian Ironwood, is one of those plants of whose features I can’t quite decide upon a favourite…
Read moreDay 285: the essential edge
Having inadvertently become a champion for a kind of wildlife-friendly, slightly chaotic look to the garden, I feel a confession is in order…
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