Gardening products you need. (And those you don’t.)

Like any industry, the horticultural trade supports many business, jobs, and – let’s not forget – customers. But it also churns out a bewildering amount of *stuff*. It’s good to take a moment to sift out the considered, the well-made, and the necessary from the endless lines of shiny new products demanding our attention while promising gardening nirvana.

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The Gardens, weeds & words podcast, Series 1 Episode 1

Have you ever wondered why we make gardens? I have. How do we choose to surround ourselves with plants? How do we incorporate them into our lives? Our relationship as a species with plants is something that fascinates me, and these are just the kind of questions the new podcast is creating space to explore – albeit in a fairly relaxed manner. The first episode was promised in early autumn...and it’s almost time.

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