A day in the life of... Gardens, Weeds & Words

A brief dip into the journal of a garden blogger.



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Boxing Day. Having crested two key festive peaks, we’re now well committed to the descent into that tranquil valley that lies beyond the winter solstice, between Christmas and New Year – Betwixtmas, I like to call it. A few days of peace to catch the breath, and to work out where we were before all the shopping and baking and wrapping and visiting pushed everything to the margins. Time to take long walks and space – if you’re fortunate to be allowed it – to gather thoughts, to sift through notebooks, to pick up a book or a seed catalogue and spend valuable moments toasting your toes before the fire. So what if the promising frosty weather of a fortnight ago has turned to mild mush? And so what if each step through the living room is accompanied by the tiny patter of needles abandoning their posts upon the ever more denuded branches of the crisping Christmas tree? I have some precious moments in which to catch up, books to read, and thoughts to be thunk. I’ve even got the tulips in before the end of the year. There’s a whole new twelve months coming up to fill with busyness. This Betwixtmas, I wish you the joy of the spaces in between.

Current garden-related reading matter:

The Thompson & Morgan seed catalogue 2018

Plant Love by Alys Fowler

Head Gardeners by Ambra Edwards with photographs by Charlie Hopkinson

Down to Earth: Gardening Wisdom by Monty Don

rakesprogress magazine issue #6

Letters to a Beekeeper by Alys Fowler and Steve Benbow


What gardening books are you reading at the moment, and did you get any for Christmas? Let me know on twitter, or in the comments below. 
