Stihl RMA 443 TC cordless lawn mower

Lawn mowing season is well and truly here and this year, for reasons we’re all too familiar with, most of us are spending a lot more time in the company of the green stuff than would normally be the case. Having a reliable, quiet, and efficient mower is one of those things that makes the less glamorous aspects of being a garden owner less of a chore, and Stihl’s range of cordless electric machines delivers on all counts. I’ve been putting the RMA 443 TC through its paces.

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Three wonderful weeders from Burgon & Ball

If you’ve still a little Christmas money burning a hole in your pocket, then let me help you spend a very few pennies on some shiny new gardening tools. You can tell yourself it’s a noble deed in the cause of tidying the garden, and if Marie Kondo comes round to complain about more stuff, we can lock her in the shed.

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Henchman tripod ladders

I have a new best friend in the garden. He’s eight foot tall, has three legs and seems perfectly happy for me to stand on him for extended periods. I am of course referring to a tripod ladder, but not just any tripod ladder. This is the tripod ladder I’ve had my beady eye on ever since I began gardening as career, and it’s made by the UK company Henchman.

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EGO Power+ HT5100E battery powered hedge trimmer

My hedgecutter of choice is petrol powered – efficient and reliable, but also a cumbersome gas guzzler. Over the last few weeks, instead of this tried and trusted machine, I threw myself in at the deep end and took a battery powered alternative. Read on to discover how I got on.

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Garden tools from Burgon & Ball

The awfully nice people at Burgon & Ball have sent me some of their marvellous garden tools in exchange for a review here on the blog. Read on for my first impressions of these shiny wonders.

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Rakes Progress

The awfully nice people at Rakes Progress have sent me the first issue of their magazine to review (I had to shamelessly hustle for a copy on Twitter. It wasn’t pretty). The magazine is certainly a thing of beauty. But is it all style over substance? Or is there a pair of hard working gardener’s boots beneath the designer exterior? I brewed a pot of tea and resolved to find out.

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Burgon & Ball Sophie Conran Precision Secateurs

It’s a matter of record how much I love my secateurs. The only slight drawback to them is that the blades often prove a little on the large side for selectively pruning in tight spaces. Having considered a few different models, these precision secateurs from Burgon & Ball’s Sophie Conran range caught my eye, and I’ve been putting them through their paces over the past fortnight.

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