Day 11: and the beet goes on

Daily details from the garden to bring you inspiration throughout the year


I was a latecomer to beetroot. I think I’d had uninspiring experiences of the pre-boiled and shrink-wrapped version (surely the weirdest way to sell any foodstuff, boiled and then suffocated in a bag. What’s next, ready-masticated veg? “We chew so you don’t have to”), and decided it wasn’t for me. That particular avatar is a decidedly poor and joyless representation of a plant so coursing with flavour and vibrancy and colour – I mean, the stuff bleeds all over the place to the extent of making your prep area look like a murder scene (not to mention turning your wee pink, which is always a good trick) – that one can only imagine the person responsible for inventing the whole boiling and bagging thing was motivated out of an uncontrollable envy when faced with a vegetable that seems so undeniably full of life. 

Even here the old foliage, crusted with frost and set aside (an act of the purest depravity since any fule kno the leaves are delicious in their own right), appears still to pulse with a sanguine energy that suggests delicious and health-giving rewards are yet to be had by the fortunate person in possession of a pan of hot water. Leaves, stems and root, boiled or (better) steamed, roasted to bring out its sweet earthy flavour, on its own or in sauces, soups, salads and cakes... I have almost half a century of beetroot ignorance to make up for. If I’m looking particularly ruddy the next time you see me, you’ll know why.

A year of garden coaching

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Hello! I’m Andrew, gardener, blogger, podcaster, and owner of a too-loud laugh, and I’m so pleased you’ve found your way to Gardens, weeds & words. You can read a more in-depth profile of me on the About page, or by clicking the image above.
