Day 58: winning the war

Daily details from the garden to bring you inspiration throughout the year


I am winning the war against couch grass (Elymus repens). Scourge of many an allotment plot, it once romped unchallenged across the vegetable garden here, but no longer cuts quite such an impressive figure. I took no photographs this morning of the spot where I weeded half an hour away under a bright February sun, but there was nothing resembling this image of the great tangle I attempted to unpick four years ago, almost to the day. Which isn’t to say there weren’t signs of the potential for such a muddle to assert itself over this ground again – look hard enough, and you’ll always find a reminder or two that it’s only your continued and frequent attention holding the green tide at bay.

A year of garden coaching

To find out more about my my 12 month online garden coaching programme, please visit the website, where you can read more details and add your name to the waiting list to be the first to hear when enrolment opens up again for the spring.

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Hello! I’m Andrew, gardener, blogger, podcaster, and owner of a too-loud laugh, and I’m so pleased you’ve found your way to Gardens, weeds & words. You can read a more in-depth profile of me on the About page, or by clicking the image above.
