The Gardens, weeds & words podcast, Series 1 Episode 7

On the threshold

with Lia Leendertz

Each day now the sound of birdsong gets louder – spring is in the air, but we wait on the threshold, wondering if winter’s quite done with us yet. I can think of noone better to discuss seasonal living with than gardening writer Lia Leendertz, author of the hugely successful Almanac, a seasonal guide to 2019, and was delighted she could join me for this episode.

February can be a gloomy month – but spring waits tantalisingly just beyond. Quite when it starts, though, is a matter of debate – the beginning of March, according to the meteorological way of reckoning, but not for another three weeks by the astronomical calendar. Which leaves us somewhere in between seasons – neither winter nor yet spring, with ever-increasing signs of the latter and still the very present threat of a cold, wintery blast.

We consider how the snowdrop is the perfect embodiment of this liminal time, with a micro review of Bulb by Anna Pavord. I talk at length with Lia Leendertz, author of The Almanac, a seasonal guide to 2019, about her early gardening influences, her work, and the importance of seasonal living for us all, while the angry squirrel continues to chatter furiously away in the February garden soundtrack, to an accompaniment of my secateurs making short work of the apple trees.

I hope you enjoy this episode – please continue to share the podcast on social media, and if you’d really like to brighten my day, leave a review on iTunes or your podcast app of choice. Or drop me a note in the comments section below, having listened on the embedded player on this page.

Gardens, weeds and words podcast, S01E06 show notes

A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing.

These notes may contain affiliate links. 

Garden soundtrack

Birdsong, growing by the day

One more week of winter

Meteorological and astronomical calendars

Somewhere on the threshold between two seasons

#thatwinterspringthing hashtag

Great Comp Garden
Comp Lane
Platt, Nr Sevenoaks
Kent TN15 8QS

Micro book review

‘Galanthus’ from Bulb, by Anna Pavord

Published by Mitchell Beazley 2009

Interview with Lia Leendertz

07:06  Plant memories

11:04   What Lia’s garden says about her

16:43   Lia’s cookbook Petal, Leaf, Seed – taking flavours from the garden

17:44   How the Almanac came about

22:15   The benefits of living in tune with the seasons

27:16   What if the stories run out?

30:42   Hope for the future

Stephen Blackmore, British botanist,  former Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, and chair of Botanic Gardens Conservation International

33:48   Lia’s favourite season

36:53   The Instagram hashtag #myalmanacmoment

Seasonal signs – are the seasons merging?

Help The Woodland Trust track the effects of weather and climate change with Nature’s Calendar

You can find Lia on on Twitter at and Instagram

The Almanac, a seasonal guide to 2019 is available at your local indy book stores, or you can buy it from Amazon here

With thanks to Lia for being my guest this episode, and to Charles Budd for his wonderful reading. You can find Charlie here: Twitter Instagram





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Hello! I’m Andrew, gardener, writer, photographer, and owner of a too-loud laugh, and I’m so pleased you’ve found your way to Gardens, weeds & words. You can read a more in-depth profile of me on the About page, or by clicking this image.
