A day in the life of... Gardens, Weeds & Words

A brief dip into the journal of a garden blogger.

Rain stops play

Only mildly soaked through at this point, half an hour or so before the sky really got down to business

Highly miffed to have been forced to quit before time today; torrential rain getting the better of my waterproofs, which are up to a quick summer shower but not the continual drubbing lavished upon us from the heavens this afternoon. Partly, this was a source of shame, as I pride myself on stoically working through all weathers (why do so few of my clients have greenhouses?). Partly also, a slight relief, as I’m pretending that I’m not feeling a bit under the weather and rather looking forward to the couple of weeks I have off to recuperate.

So, two things occur to me looking back upon the day which, up to that point, had been rather good, if windy (the weather, not me. Oh okay, who am I kidding? Both). Firstly, what a weird summer – not just rather wet, but so dark and gloomy! I don’t think I remember one quite like it*. And secondly, as autumn approaches, I really need to find some decent waterproofs – never quite managed it yet. Wax jackets, expensive nikwaxed outdoorsy type things, they all start to leak after an hour or so in heavy rain. Recommendations gratefully received, either in the comments below, or on twitter. I think I’m going to look into one of those ventile things. Not cheap, but natural cotton and tough looking. Might be just the job.


* This isn’t the only unusual thing this year. I don’t remember the blackberries being so early, and so thoroughly fat, sweet and delicious, at any time over the past forty six years.
