Day 112: Melianthus major

As gardeners, we probably shouldn’t take comfort in how bloody awful other people’s plants look, but when they’re in a posh garden, this kind of thing can often be a source of comfort…

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The Gardens, weeds & words podcast, Series 2 Episode 11

I’m joined on this episode by the powerhouse of the garden design world that is Ann-Marie Powell, who tells me how her gardens abide by the mantra Plants, People, Place, while I ponder over matters of gratitude, privilege and responsibility, and how they manifest in my own gardening practice.

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Day 227: Eryngium agavifolium

There’s never anything soft about a sea holly, but Eryngium agavifolium takes the spine‘O’meter reading up by several notches by mimicking the sharply toothed foliage of many species of agave…

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Day 218: meadow textures

There’s nothing natural about this meadow-style planting, but the combination so enchanted me when I came across it in the Cottage Garden at Wisley a couple of summers ago that I return repeatedly to this image…

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Day 135: woodland garden

Under clear blue skies with sun bright overhead, take the narrow path into the trees, where the gusty wind stills, calmed by gently enveloping foliage...

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