Day 133: woodland floor planting

There’s a subtlety to the way that Mother Nature plants that eludes the human gardener, so far from the grids and patterns of our planting plans…

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Day 288: woodland floor

The woodland floor in October has something of the lucky dip, or raffle about it, booted feet shuffling through an al fresco tombola drum, stick your hand in and pull out a prize…

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Day 229: enchanter's nightshade

Some weeds – ruderals like chickweed, groundsel and hairy bittercress – are with us all year round. Others are more closely tied to a particular time of year…

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Day 116: bluebell woods

There’s enough going on in the world today to make any self-respecting human more than a little uncomfortable about proclaiming the superiority of the native English bluebell…

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Day 50: leaf litter and future promise

A walk in the woods always brings inspiration for the garden – lessons in light and shade, meditations on mosses and lichens and the community of creatures on dead wood…

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