Day 35: Daphne bholua 'Limpsfield'

Daily details from the garden to bring you inspiration throughout the year


I think William Morris would have approved of the evergreen, Daphne bholua ‘Limpsfield’, seeing as how it manages to be both useful and beautiful. In its native Nepal the inner bark is used in the manufacture of paper and of rope but here, in less Himalayan climes, we grow it for its prolific, strongly perfumed flowers, opening from tight clusters of purple buds – white petals blushed with pale mauve . One for a slightly sheltered position, within wafting distance of the back door. 

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Hello! I’m Andrew, gardener, writer, photographer, and owner of a too-loud laugh, and I’m so pleased you’ve found your way to Gardens, weeds & words. You can read a more in-depth profile of me on the About page, or by clicking this image.